Ph.D. (M.S + Ph.D combined program), Fermentation Engineering, 2001-2006, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, China B.S., Biochemical Engineering, 1997-2001, Department of Biochemical Engineering, Anhui Polytechnic University, China Professional Experience: 11/2017-11/2018, Visiting scholar, Department of chemistry, University of California, Davis 07/2015-present, Professor, School of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University 07/2009-07/2015, Associate Professor, School of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University 08/2008-08/2009, Visiting Assistant Professor, Bioproducts and Bioenergy Research Laboratory, Department of Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University 06/2006-07/2009, Assistant Professor, School of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University Scientific Research Field: Mushroom biotechnology; Microbial production of functional carbohydrates and glycoconjugates; Postharvest biology of mushrooms. Edible oil and Value-added products Social academic post and honor: Member of the Agri-Product Processing and Storing Enginering Branch, Chinese Agricultural Engineering Society; Associate Editor of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology; Editorial board member of Acta Edible Fungi Invited reviewer of Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, Carbohydrate Polymers, Biotechnology Progress, Process Biochemistry, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Teaching Courses: Carbohydrate Chemistry in Daily Life Food Fermentation Technology Advances in Food Biotechnology Modern Microbiology Published papers: More than 80 papers and 4 book chapters have been published. Selected peer-reviewed Publications as follows (* as corresponding author): [1] Li-Hua Jiang?, Xiang-Fei L?i, Xin-Yi Zan, Xin Fu, Feng-Jie Cui*, Hong-An Zhu, Wen-Jing Sun*, Ting-Lei Tao. The β-1, 3-glucan synthase gene GFGLS2 plays major roles in mycelial growth and polysaccharide synthesis in Grifola frondosa. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021, in press. [2] Ying-Ying Liang?, Xin-Yi Zan?, Lei Sun, Xin Fu, Feng-Jie Cui*, Ming Tan, Ze-Yu Shao, Wen-Jing Sun. A uridine diphosphate-glycosyltransferase GFUGT88A1 derived from edible mushroom Grifola frondosa extends oligosaccharide chains. Process Biochemistry, 2022, 112, 80-91. [3] Ze-Yu Shao?, Xin-Yi Zan?,Wei Jia, Lei Suna, Feng-Jie Cui*, Hong-An Zhu, Wen-Jing Sun, Ying-Ying Liang, Xin Fu, Jing-Song Zhang *, Xiu Zhao. Changes of structures and biosynthesis/hydrolysis-associated genes expression of glucans at different Volvariella volvacea maturity stages. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 191, 996-1005. [4] Xin-Yi Zan, Xi-Hong Wu, Feng-Jie Cui*, Hong-An Zhu,Wen-Jing Sun*, Li-Hua Jiang, Ting-Lei Tao, Xiu Zhao. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase gene affects mycelia growth and polysaccharide synthesis of Grifola frondosa. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 161, 1161-1170. [5] Xin-Yi Zan, Hong-An Zhu, Li-Hua Jiang, Ying-Ying Liang, Wen-Jing Sun, Ting-Lei Tao, Feng-Jie Cui*. The role of Rho1 gene in the cell wall integrity and polysaccharides biosynthesis of the edible mushroom Grifola frondosa. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 165, 1593-1603. [6] Kai-Yue Liu, Hua Fang, Feng-Jie Cui*, Belinda Amanda Nyabako, Ting-Lei Tao, Xin-Yi Zan, Hua-You Chen, Wen-Jing Sun*. ARTP mutation and adaptive laboratory evolution improve probiotic performance of Bacillus coagulans. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, 104, 6363–6373. [7] Xin-Yi Zan, Wei Jia, Hai Ning Zhuang, Feng-Jie Cui*, Na Lia, Jing-Song Zhang*,Wen-Jing Sun, Xiu Zhao. Energy Status and mitochondrial metabolism of Volvariella volvacea with controlled ultrasound treatment and relative humidity. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2020, 167, 111250 . [8] Feng-Jie Cui*, Li-Hua Jiang, Li-Sun Qian, Wen-Jing Sun*, Ting-Lei Tao, Xin-Yi Zan, Yan Yang, Di Wu, Xiu Zhao. A macromolecular α-glucan from fruiting bodies of Volvariella volvacea activating RAW264. 7 macrophages through MAPKs pathway. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 230, 115674. [9] Feng-Jie Cui*, Xi-Hong Wu, Ting-Lei Tao., Xin-Yi Zan*, Wen-Jing Sun*, Da-Shuai Mu, Yan Yang, Di Wu. Functions of a Glucan Synthase Gene GFGLS in Mycelial Growth and Polysaccharide Production of Grifola frondosa. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry, 2019, 67 (32), 8875-8883. [10] Ting-Lei Tao, Feng-Jie Cui*, Xiao-Xiao Chen, Wen-Jing Sun, Da-Ming Huang, Jin-Song Zhang, Yan Yang, Di Wu, Wei-Min Liu. Improved Mycelia and Polysaccharide Production of Grifola frondosa by Controlling Morphology with Microparticle Talc. Microbial Cell Factories, 2018, 17:1. [11] Na Li, Feng-Mei Chen, Feng-Jie Cui*, Wen-Jing Sun, Jin-Song Zhang, Li-Shun Qian, Yan Yang, Di Wu, Ying Dong, Jian-Xin Jiang, Hua-Ping Yang. Improved postharvest quality and respiratory activity of straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) with ultrasound treatment and controlled relative humidity. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 225, 56-64. [12] Feng-Jie Cui *, Xin-Yi Zan, Yun-Hong Li, Wen-Jing Sun, Yan Yang, Li-Feng Ping. Grifola frondosa Glycoprotein GFG-3a arrests S phase, alters proteome and induces apoptosis in human gastric cancer cells. Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal. 2016, 68(2):267-79. [13] Xin-Yi Zan, Feng-Jie Cui *, Yun-Hong Li, Wen-Jing Sun, Yan Yang*, Di Wu, Cai-Xia Wan. Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide-protein HEG-5 inhibits SGC-7901 cell growth via Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 76, 242–253. [14] Feng-Jie Cui*, Yun-Hong Li, Yan Yang, Wen-Jing Sun*, Di Wu, Li-Feng Ping*. Changes in Chemical Components and Cytotoxicity at Different Maturity Stages of Pleurotus eryngii Fruiting Body. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62, 12631-12640. [15] Feng-Jie Cui*, Yun-Hong Li, Xin-Yi Zan, Yan Yang*, Wen-Jing Sun, Jing-Ya Qian, Qiang Zhou, Si-Lian Yu. Purification and partial characterization of a novel hemagglutinating glycoprotein from the cultured mycelia of Hericium erinaceus. Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49 1362–1369 [16] Feng-Jie Cui*, Xin-Yi Zan, Yun-Hong Li, Yan Yang, Wen-Jing Sun*, Qiang Zhou, Si-Lian Yu, Ying Dong. Purification and partial characterization of a novel anti-tumor glycoprotein from cultured mycelia of Grifola frondosa. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 62: 684-690. [17] Feng-Jie Cui*, Hong-Xia Zhao, Wen-Jing Sun*, Zhuan Wei, Si-Lian Yu, Qiang Zhou, Ying Dong. Ultrasound-assisted lipase-catalyzed synthesis of D-isoascorbyl palmitate: process optimization and Kinetic evaluation. Chemistry Central Journal, 2013, 7:180 [18] Feng-Jie Cui, Xin-Yi Zan, Yu-Guang Zhou*, Yan Yang, Da-Ming Huang, Ying Dong. Freeze-Drying of Glycoprotein GFPS1b from Grifola frondosa GF9801: Drying Kinetics, Functional, Conformational, and Topographical Changes. Drying Technology, 2013, 31, 1611-1618 [19] Fengjie Cui, Liming Zhao. Optimization of Xylanase Production from Penicillium sp.WX-Z1 by a Two-Step Statistical Strategy: Plackett-Burman and Box-Behnken Experimental Design. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13, 10630-10646 [20] Feng-Jie Cui, Cai-Xia Wan, Ye-Bo Li, Zhe Liu, Gireesh Rajashekara. Co-production of Lactic Acid and Lactobacillus rhamnosus Cells from Whey Permeate with Nutrient Supplements. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5(4), 1278-1286. [21] Feng-Jie Cui, Ye-Bo Li, Cai-Xia Wan. Lactic acid production from corn stover using mixed cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus brevis. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(2) 1831-1836. [22] Feng-Jie Cui*, Yin Li, Ying-Ying Xu, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Da-Ming Huang, Zhi-Cai Zhang, Wen-Yi Tao*. Induction of apoptosis in SGC-7901 cells by polysaccharide-peptide GFPS1b from the cultured mycelia of Grifola frondosa GF9801, Toxicology in Vitro, 2007, 21(3), 417-427. [23] Feng-Jie Cui, Wen-Yi Tao*, Zheng-Hong Xu, Wen-Jie Guo, Hong-Yu Xu, Zong-Hua Ao, Jian Jin, Yuan-Qing Wei. Structural analysis of anti-tumor heteropolysaccharide GFPS1b from the cultured mycelia of Grifola frondosa GF9801, Bioresource Technology, 2007, 98, 395-401. [24] Feng-Jie Cui, Yin Li, Zheng-Hong Xu, Hong-Yu Xu, Ke Sun, Wen-Yi Tao*. Optimization of the medium composition for production of mycelial biomass and exo-polymer by Grifola frondosa GF9801 using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology, 2006, 97, 1209-1216. [25] DI Wu, Chuan Tang, Yan-Fang Liu, Qiao-Zhen Li, Wen-Han Wang, Shuai Zhou, Zhong Zhang, Feng-Jie Cui*, Yan Yang*. Structural elucidation and immunomodulatory activity of a β-D-glucan prepared by freeze-thawing from Hericium erinaceus. Carbohydrate polymers, 2019, 222, 114996. [26] Dan-Ming Huang, Yun-Hong Li, Feng-Jie Cui*, Jun Chen*, Jian-Min Sun. Purification and characterization of a novel polysaccharide–peptide complex from Clinacanthus nutans Lindau leaves. Carbohydrate polymers, 2016, 137, 701-708. [27] Zhuan-Wei, Jue Zhou, Wen-Jing Sun*, Feng-Jie Cui*, Qin-Hua Xu, Chang-Feng Liu. Improvement of D-Ribose Production from Corn Starch Hydrolysate by a Transketolase-Deficient Strain Bacillus subtilis UJS0717. BioMed Research International, 2015, 535097. [28] Da-Ming Huang, Feng-Jie Cui*, Yin Li, Zhi-Cai Zhang, Jie-Wen Zhao, Xiao-Ming Han, Xiang Xiao, Jing-Ya Qian, Qi-Fei Wu, Guo-Qiang Guan. Nutritional Requirements for the Mycelial Biomass and Exo-Polymer Production by Hericium erinaceus CZ-2. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 45 (4): 389–395. Main Scientific Research Projects: [1] 2022.01-2025.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China (32172187), PI. [2]2021.07-2023.06 Special Research and Development Grant for Northern Jiangsu Area (SZ-YC202145), Co-PI. [3] 2020.12-2025.11 Jiangsu Jiafeng grain and oil industry Co., Ltd, PI. [4] 2019.7-2022.6 Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20191227), Co-PI. [5] 2018.01-2021.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771961), PI. [6] 2017.06-2019.05 Special Research and Development Grant for Northern Jiangsu Area (SZ-YC2017001), PI [7] 2016.08-2017.08 Shanghai Yuanyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd, PI [8] 2015.06-2017.04 Anhui RuiFuXiang Food Company, Co., Ltd. PI [9] 2015.07-2016.12 State Key Lab Breeding Base for Zhejiang Sustainable Plant Pest Control, PI [10] 2014.11-2015.10 International Foundation for Science (F/4930-2F, IFS, Sweden). PI [11]2013.06-2016.05 China Postdoctoral Science special Foundation (2013T60648). PI [12] 2012.06-2014.06 China Postdoctoral Foundation (2012M511702). PI. [13] 2012.01-2014.12 National Foundation for Science of China (31101269). PI. [14] 2012. 05-2014.04 First Class Special Grant from Jiangxi Postdoctoral Science Foundation. PI. [15] 2012. 05-2014.04 General Grant from Jiangxi Postdoctoral Science Foundation. PI. [16] 2011.08 - 2013.12 Invention Development Management Company, L-14451, PI. [17] 2012. 01-2013.12Technology Research and Development Program of Zhenjiang City (Industry), Co-PI. [18] 2010.11-2013.10 International Foundation for Science (IFS, Sweden) (F/4930-1).PI. [19] 2011.04-2012.12 National Spark Program (2011GA690060). PI. [20] 2014.01-2017.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China (31371760), Participant (2/9). [21]2011.1-2011.12. National Natural Science Foundation of China (31040061), Participant (2/7). [22]2010.1-2012.12. National Natural Science Foundation of China (30970006), Participant (2/6). Patents: [1] Fengjie Cui. Production of lactic acid from fermentations using mixed bacterial cultures. PCT. CN2012/076993. [2] Feng-Jie Cui, Da-Ming Huang, Jie Luo, Zhi-Cai Zhang. “The Preparation method and appliance of the bioactive polysaccharide-peptide complex from the mycelia of Phellinus igniarius”. Approved China Patent, ZL200710132671.3; [3] Fengjie Cui, Shuhao Huo, Zhiwei Chen, et al. An ultrasonic-assisted method and equipment for enhancement of VE extraction from distillate of plant oil. Approved China Patent, ZL 201310479627.5; [4] Fengjie Cui, Xinyi Zan, Yunhong Li, et al. The Preparation method and appliance of the bioactive polysaccharide-peptide complex from the mycelia of Grifola frondosa. Approved China Patent, ZL 201310467193.7; [5] Feng-Jie Cui, Lin Lin. “An equipment for physical refining the oil”, Approved China Patent, ZL201020602237.4; [6] Feng-Jie Cui, Zai-Wei Man, Wen-Jing Sun. “Recombinant expression plasmid vector, metabolic engineering bacteria and method for producing fucosyllactose”, Approved China Patent, ZL201811072267.6. [7] Feng-Jie Cui, Jian-Xin Jiang, Li-Shun Qian, et al. “Straw mushroom polysaccharide and preparation method and application thereof”, Approved China Patent, ZL201910775831.9. [8] Feng-Jie Cui, Jin-Song Zhang, Yan Yang, et al. “Fresh-keeping device for high-temperature edible fungi”. Approved China Patent, ZL201820874746.9. [9]Wen-Jie Guo, Feng-Jie Cui, Song-Ping Fang, et al. “Industrialized preparation method and application of wheat peptone”. Approved China Patent, ZL201710239828.6. [10]Jin Zhao, Feng-Jie Cui, Peng-Xiang Zhao, et al. “High temperature acid thermophilic ascomycete cellulase, preparation method and application thereof”. Approved China Patent, ZL 201511026576.6. [11] Feng-Jie Cui, Ying-Ying Liang, Xinyi Zan, et al., Grifola frondosa CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system, method and application. Filed China Patent, 202010796883.7; [12] Feng-Jie Cui, Ze-Yu Shao, Xinyi Zan, et al., An intelligent identification and sorting system and method for edible fungi. Filed China Patent, 202011469540.6; [13] Feng-Jie Cui, Ying-Ying Liang, Xinyi Zan, et al., Method for treating grease processing wastewater with external electric field-enhanced composite microbial agent. Filed China Patent, 202011584186.1; [14] Feng-Jie Cui, Ye-Jun Zhu, Cheng-Ye Ru, et al., Grifola frondosa glucantransferase gfgel4 and its coding gene and application. Filed China Patent, 202110521577.7; [15] Feng-Jie Cui, Hong-An Zhu, Ting-Lei Tao, et al., Grifola frondosa glucan synthase, its coding gene and application. Filed China Patent, 201910429529.8; [16] Feng-Jie Cui, Ting-Lei Tao, Xin-Yi Zan, et al., Grifola frondosa UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and its application. Filed China Patent, 201910429540.4; Scientific Research Achievements and Awards: 3rd Place Award of Yancheng City Science and Technology Award, 2014 (Ranked First); 3rd Place Award of Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, 2013(Ranked First); First Prize for National Business Progress in Science and Technology, 2012 (Ranked Fifth); Second Place Award of Jiangxi Province Progress in Science and Technology, 2014 (Ranked Fifth); First Prize of Shangrao City Science and Technology Award, 2013(Ranked Fifth); Number of postgraduates under supervision: Number of supervised masters and Ph.D. Number of supervised undergraduates The above information updated Dec. 2021 |